Valley Waldorf City School adheres to a Waldorf media policy which is published separate from your Parent Handbook. Please be sure to read this in its entirety. Basic policy states, however, that there is no media presence on the school yard at any time, this includes logos on clothing, shoes, comic books or any other materials from home. Our teachers uphold this policy as well in their classrooms.
Children are not to bring cell phones, i-pods, video games or any other type of electronic device to the school. Any such item will be held in the office for parents to pick-up.
To reflect this policy it is asked that parents refrain from cell phone use on the school yard.
Dress Code
For all students whether in Early Childhood or Grades, clothing needs to be neat, simple, and comfortable, allowing students to work and play freely.
We want the children to have a rich experience of color. Within Waldorf color theory, black is an intellectual color more suited to be worn by high school students and adults. With this in mind, black clothing is not allowed to be worn at school or during Beyond the Classroom learning.
All clothing must be free of writing, advertising, logos, and graphics/characters. (Solids, stripes, polka dots, plaids, etc. are all appropriate)
Shirts will be long enough to cover midriffs while hands are raised above the head.
Pants, shorts, dresses and skirts appropriate for weather and class activities, such as Eurythmy and games. (Not too long, too baggy, too tight etc.
Pants and shorts must be worn above the hips.
Skirts and shorts must be at least long enough that the student’s fingertips can touch the hem when arms are fully extended at their sides.Undergarments must not be sticking out of clothing.Socks must be worn at all times.
Sturdy shoes must be appropriate for games class and the active movement of all classes. (No shoes with lights, flip-flops, strappy sandals, high heels or big boots.)
Hair must be kept out of students’ eyes and must not be color treated.
In keeping with simplicity and preservation of childhood: makeup, nail polish, jewelry, temporary tattoos and elaborate daily hairdos are not appropriate.
Festive clothing to be worn for assemblies and special occasions. Ask your class teacher if you have any questions about appropriate festival clothing.
Students dressed inappropriately may be asked to turn a shirt inside-out, cover-up or may even be sent home to change during on-campus learning. Please contact your class teacher with any questions.